Listening to the Body

You are the hero of your story and your body is with you each step of the way. Old injuries, our work, hobbies, and emotions become patterns that are carved deeply into the body. These habits may cause aches & pains, tightness, restricted movement and suffering. It can be easy to think that these pattern are who we are, but really they can shift to allow you to be who you are meant to be. Pain can be a powerful teacher. It can show us where we need to pay attention to. It could be a message from our body about the way that we are living our life. When things are working well, our body functions unconsciously. We become aware when pain stops us from doing what we love or what we need to do to take care of ourselves and our family.

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Faith Enuol
Respect for Water

Wherever it is, life flourishes. Life evolved in the ancient waters of the planet millions of years ago. Humans mimic this evolutionary journey in the watery-world of the womb over the nine months of gestation. The worlds first civilizations developed along great rivers. Waterways separate land, but have also allowed cultures to travel and to trade across great distances. Water has an ability to hold things, to store and to carry.

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Faith Enuolwater
Somatic Practice for the Earth Element

Take a few breaths and invite your belly soften.

Allow your organs to rest into the bowl created by your two pelvic bones and sacrum at the base of your spine.

Move around a little bit and adjust to make yourself comfortable.

You can place a hand on your naval and/or on the upper abdomen.

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Faith Enuol
Properties of water

Water is a really amazing molecule that together with the sun, the planet, and the atmosphere, makes life possible. It is common knowledge that our planet and bodies are composed mostly of water. We drink quarts everyday and use it to wash everything from ourselves to our dishes. Water is easy to take for granted, especially if you are used to having it come hot out of a tap. Water is a fundamental part of our lives and a necessity. I took an introductory biology class and learned that it has several unique chemical properties that give it so many special functions in our world.

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Faith Enuol
The Season and Spirit of the Metal Element

The spirit of the metal element is the Po, or the corporeal soul. This aspect of our sprit dies when we die, and our life is defined as between our first breath and our last. The spirit of the metal element is a part of our soul that only exists during our lifetime. I see this as the parts of our brain that react on instinct and our regulation of physiologic processes. It is our instinctual, animal and emotional part of ourselves. It governs the senses and is related to our unconscoius drives and responses.

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Faith EnuolMetal Element
Explore Space and Boundaries Using the Metal Element

The metal element informs us about boundaries and space. Boundaries allow us to be in exchange with the external world, taking things in and out, while still having an innate sense of self. In this way, the metal element helps us to crystalize our core self. We know our essential value. We can say “no” to things that are not good for us. We can say “yes” to life and take in things without feeling overly vulnerable.

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Faith Enuol
My Second-Favorite Muscle

My first favorite muscle is the heart.

I have recently developed a second favorite muscle, and it’s a good one. It is an aid to our heart and fun to play with. Can you guess what it is? Here are your clues: It is related to the bottoms of your feet, the roof of your mouth, palms of your hands, and the containing wall at the base our pelvis that you might be sitting on right now. When it contracts it widens and spreads. When it relaxes it comes to rest in a dome-shape. Do you know what it is yet? It massages our heart, opens our lungs, is attached to our liver, and separates our chest from our abdomen.

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Faith Enuol
How To do Somatic Exercises


With presence and reverence for the life within.

With compassion. Your body contains the story of your life. Accept yourself.

With curiosity and willingness to explore. Notice the sensations and feelings of being alive. Pay attention to the qualitites of movement and being as they change. Learning is a natural process that takes place deep in your consciousness.

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Faith Enuol
How Does the Metal Element Show Up In Our Bodies and Minds?

Metal teaches us about density and spaciousness. These are strong opposites, like “yes” and “no,” and provide differentiation and structure. Deep inside the earth, immense pressure condenses and creates layers of different types of rock. We can see the layers and colors of the different minerals in the rocks, cliffs, and mountains that we see above ground.

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Faith Enuol
Connect with Yourself

I’d like to offer a somatic practice for connecting with your Earth element. When we are in the womb, as we know, our umbilical cord enters through what is now our belly button. This is our center of nourishment for those months. This connection brings in all of the oxygen and nutrients that we need. In the womb we don’t eat, excrete or breath through our lungs. I invite you to feel, and also to remember, this experience of your cells and tissues:

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Faith Enuol
Earth Element and Society: A return to the body

We all can share in the joy of celebrating the cycle of earth. Each day we might take our meals with gratitude. Notice that sharing food is central to our cultural rituals, such as feasts and celebrations that foster connection and community. It can feel so good caring for others and sharing our gifts. We are nourished and fed when there is reciprocity and abundance. At the same time, no one can be expected to thrive when their basic needs are not met.

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Faith Enuol
The Spirit of the Earth Element

In the 5 element system, the spirit of the earth element is the intellect or ability to reflect. In a similar way as we take in food, we take in concepts and make our own sense of things. This aspect of our spirit or personality is about being able to digest thoughts and ideas. The imbalance of this gift of intellect and wit is when we get stuck in compulsive or obsessive thought or worry. This is a major tendency towards imbalance for me!

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Faith Enuol
The Ritual of Digestion

Too much stress in our lives takes away from our ability to digest properly. Eating foods that are healthy for us is important, but so is the way that we eat. The digestive system works best when our bodies are in the “rest, digest, repair” cycle of the autonomic nervous system. This parasympathetic response is necessary to get the nourishment that we need. It is important for our bodies that we eat in a relaxed way, in a comfortable setting.

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Faith Enuol
How do you embody the Earth element?

You can begin to get an intuitive feeling of the earth element by imagining the earth itself. What qualities come to mind? Perhaps notice its round shape.
Feel the ground under your feet, relax back into your chair. Notice what is supporting you. Feel your relationship to gravity. Do you connect with the idea of “mother earth” being generous and abundant?

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Faith Enuolearth element